Time Travel and Quantum Mechanics

What is time?

Therefore, we have:

1. Subjective time

2. Physical time

All paradoxes arise from the fact that time lapses / flows - we are basing time on subjective time, not physical time

Concepts of time in physics

Thermodynamic time arrow

Block time

  1. Are the past and future real?
    By using the present as a proxy for the past or future, we can simulate them, effectively nesting times inside times (a simpler idea of a time machine - normal time machines lose the idea of the present).

  2. Do events that occurred in the past / future exist?

What is the physical prompt to change to a different time?

Grandfather paradox

(case 1) if , then (assuming you don’t die between)
(case 2) if , then (because you killed yourself)
This is not a contradiction - it simply states that (one or zero)

both situations can exist (superposition) - suggesting multiple universe theory

Many worlds interpretation